Wednesday, June 24, 2009

AVG 7.5 - AVG Ends support for AVG v7.5

End of 7.5 version support

Support for AVG 7.5 products ended on April 30, 2009. This support covers all home and SMB/enterprise solutions, and includes all updates and 24/7 technical and sales support.


Was updating my security suite and found this tidbit of information. Sorry I didn't post it sooner. If you do still currently have v7.5, contact eggBrain and we'll be happy to upgrade you!

AVG is currently running version 8.5.



Thursday, June 18, 2009

Beef, it's what's for dinner!

Online soon:

This beef provider has a long history of owning and growing their own Angus Steers to perfection. Visit the site when it goes live! Watch this space to see when!

New Site Released! Peaceful Waters

New Site has been Released!

eggBrain has just went live with another website: Peaceful Waters Services. Here's what they are about (as per their website):

"Peaceful Waters is a transitional housing program for women coming from recovery programs, the legal system, or other referral sources. We are a faith-based organization that believes that substance abuse addiction is a disease that can be treated with the help of counseling and behavioral changes. Within our caring and supportive structure, women grow spiritually, emotionally, and physically to become fully the person they want to become; active within their community, linked to a place of worship, and supportive to her family."

Check it out!


Tuesday, June 2, 2009


It was in light of somebody asking me if I was able to see the new search engine by Microsoft called BING!

My first question is, "Why Bing?". Does it have to do with the abstract sounding "Wii" from Nintendo?

I tried it out and it was pretty interesting. It many ways it's a lot like Google in the layout save for the graphic banner residing at the top. The image search is interesting, no description at the bottom unless you mouse over the pic itself. Unfortunately, there's no "Remove this Frame".

I clicked on shopping, then took the tour, but there's no way to get back to itself from there.

Another interesting thing is the history of searches on the left hand side. I find that very useful because sometimes, you just want to go back to that last search that you thought was more effective than the one you just did.

Maps is interesting as well as Travel (it takes you straight to booking a flight). They have features from ORBITZ, but I'm wondering if they still have underneath it all?

All in all, it seems that Microsoft is trying to consolidate all of its services in one large portal. Will they have developer tools too in light of all this? I wonder if some of the components are also developed in Silverlight?

In any case, try for yourself and tell me what you think.


HDMI 1.4 Spec to be released, June 30th

Are you an HD fanatic? Love your HDMI 1.3 yet? Think you know everything about HDMI? Well, the new specs are coming out and they are set to confuse you just a bit more, according to Sean P. Aune, author of an article at (article here).

If you have an v1.3 HDTV, then it may be "obsolete" come June 30th, or at least, when the new HDMI connectors arrive on the televisions themselves. Maybe somebody will come up with an adapter, like they always seem to, instead of having to buy a whole new set to get the new confusing HDMI v1.4.

That's just the trust in technology that eggBrain has.


Monday, June 1, 2009

eggBrain: Growth. Business. Technology

Are you a small business? eggBrain wants to become your premier IT Service Provider in the areas of:
  • Microsoft Access Database Development
  • Web Site Design, Development and Hosting
  • PC Support Services
This is a new launch for this blogspace. Updated at the minimum: weekly.

What you'll find here are tips to help you get around Windows, news about new technologies, opinions of new and technology issues as well as announcements of new services, etc.

Our vision is that eggBrain is the premier IT provider to small businesses that are just starting out, are about three years into running their business or small businesses looking to reinvent themselves by breaking into new technologies, revamping their website, or enhancing their current hardware structure.

eggBrain provides technology solutions by looking for value in your current technology operations, use and presentation. We then provide cost-effective solutions to help you continue to not only maintain your business but help it grow. We believe technology not only involves computer hardware, but it also involves people and processes that use technology tools to increase productivity and results.

Visit us at to get more information on how we can help with:

* Microsoft Access Database Development
* Web Site Design, Development and Hosting
* PC Support Services

Or you can e-mail us at:

We can't wait to hear from you.

Growth. Business. Technology