Monday, June 1, 2009

eggBrain: Growth. Business. Technology

Are you a small business? eggBrain wants to become your premier IT Service Provider in the areas of:
  • Microsoft Access Database Development
  • Web Site Design, Development and Hosting
  • PC Support Services
This is a new launch for this blogspace. Updated at the minimum: weekly.

What you'll find here are tips to help you get around Windows, news about new technologies, opinions of new and technology issues as well as announcements of new services, etc.

Our vision is that eggBrain is the premier IT provider to small businesses that are just starting out, are about three years into running their business or small businesses looking to reinvent themselves by breaking into new technologies, revamping their website, or enhancing their current hardware structure.

eggBrain provides technology solutions by looking for value in your current technology operations, use and presentation. We then provide cost-effective solutions to help you continue to not only maintain your business but help it grow. We believe technology not only involves computer hardware, but it also involves people and processes that use technology tools to increase productivity and results.

Visit us at to get more information on how we can help with:

* Microsoft Access Database Development
* Web Site Design, Development and Hosting
* PC Support Services

Or you can e-mail us at:

We can't wait to hear from you.

Growth. Business. Technology

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