Sunday, March 21, 2010

Systematic Behavior

When nothing seems to be going right, it's hard to find the root cause of it all.  If you've been reading my past few posts, I've spent the better part of this past week (and note, I haven't written since) dealing with a rootkit on a client's machine.  It is finally cleaned and I'm happy. 

Unfortunately, along with that, comes the death of a wireless adapter or at least the ability of it maintaining a connection.  It's a USB Wireless Adapter from Dynex (G) that's on my desktop .  I've reinstalled the drivers but I still have a few things to try.  I know the dropped connection is solely with the desktop laptop is still connected and other people using the network have no problems with the connection.

That being said, it's ironic how systematic behavior of certain items can be expected in the computer world.  We all just want it to work and that would be nice.  Unfortunately, every system has its flaws.  Every thing on a computer has an instruction to follow.  What's instructing my wireless to disconnect?  Not sure, but I'll find out.

I've learned that I've taken things for granted on systems.  Systems follow instructions, take input and have a consequence of an action or output.  At the same time, there are error systems in place to help handle those, and frankly, I'm that system.

So here is to systematic behavior:  May you always be there to help out with systematic behavior.

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