Friday, February 5, 2010

Thank you SmartFilter!

I'm at the library waiting for the snow to come.  But in any case, decided to write in my blog about the next entry or two on the Top 10 list I listed a few posts back

Google Voice, like other Google services, you ahve to access through invitation only and a Google Account doesn't hurt.  So I requested an invitation and like the geek who can't get into a party...I wait.

Then I tried to, and SmartFilter (powered by Bess) listed it as a Chat site and won't allow me to go into there...yet I can MSN message?  Odd.  So now I'm down to Clicker

You can browse by name (THANK GOODNESS!), AND search by name too if you can't find them listed.  Unfortunately, my favorite paranormal show, Ghost Adventures, isn't on there by name, but you can search...but it's like episodes from 2004gotten.  So for me, is probably ok, but it's going to take awhile for them to compile the stuff they have.  I wonder if they have a crawler that does this stuff?

In any case, it's an ok site, I'm sure you can't find everything you need, like Wal-Mart.  Now, I'm not saying you can find EVERYTHING at Wal-Mart, I'm saying that Wal-Mart can't sell everything, as much as they'd like to put that forward.  Much like any large department store, they sell what sells, or will hopefully sell.

Alright guys, hang in there, next post is going to be probably while I'm holed up in snow.  Which isn't so bad for a techie.  Now I have a REAL excuse for being on the computer.  LOL!

I said LOL.



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