Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Wave HI!

So eggBrain is reviewing this video by Google about the Google Wave.  Very very interesting.  An online conversation, collaboration tool that is available to help you with your projects.

It looks like this will help a lot of web workers with what they have to do without having to spend time on the road to go to meetings at clients and the conversation can continue without having to have all participants there at one time.  Nothing wrong with meetings, mind you, but if you read the following, you know why I say this.

It's the meeting everyone has been waiting for:  The meeting where you don't HAVE to be there the whole time. How many times have you gone to a meeting and asked yourself  "Why am I here, especially if I only have to contribute xyz?"  Or maybe, you're there, say your piece, give your deliverable and you leave (to the next meeting mayhaps?).

eggBrain has just received the invitation to try it out and will try it out with a few clients to see how it goes.

eggBrain will let you know.

Compute safely!


The product has the potential of creating "critical interactions" (my quote). 

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